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How we’re greening our spaces (and how you can do it too!)

At PGL, we’re committed to building a more sustainable world by acting progressively for the betterment of our communities, colleagues and customers.

As part of this commitment, we are continually looking at ways to green our large landholdings, which amount to over 580 acres of land in Australia, much of which is preserved as native bushland.

Our partnership with Land for Wildlife

All 3 of our Australian centres have partnered with Land for Wildlife, which is a voluntary conservation program run by state and local governments to support landholders who provide habitat for native wildlife on their land.

Through Land for Wildlife you can learn about the native plants, animals and ecosystems on your property, as well as getting advice on managing threats such as weed and pest animals.

In order to be eligible to join Land for Wildlife, the property must:

  • Be more than 1 hectare in size
  • Have more than 10% native vegetation as wildlife habitat
  • Be connected to a natural wildlife corridor
  • Be located outside of urban developed areas

Greening activities at our centres

PGL Campaspe Downs:

PGL Campaspe Downs (VIC) recently partnered with Tylden Landcare Group to plant native vegetation on our site along the Little Coliban River.

This project is so important because water from the Little Coliban River flows into the Upper Coliban reservoir and is the source of drinking water for the local community. Weed invasion, lack of native vegetation and stock access along stretches of the river have directly impacted water quality, so recent plantings of indigenous shrubs and grasses will create a filter zone between the stream and the catchment area, filtering nutrients and controlling erosion.

This planting of over 1200 indigenous plants will help provide clean, healthy water for our reservoirs, while at the same time creating valuable habitat for our local indigenous animals and plants.

A huge thanks to Tylden Landcare Group, and Steve and Holly (pictured) from PGL for all their great work on this project!

Two people are planting seedlings in a grassy area. One holds a planting tool, and the other holds a seedling. They are surrounded by seedling trays.

PGL Kindlan:

PGL Kindlan (QLD) partnered with Indigiscapes’ Plants for Wildlife Project, resulting in the planting of over 100 native grasses in our platform tent area.  These native grasses are important as they attract native wildlife, as well as creating lovely gardens for our customers to enjoy!

Indigiscapes is Redland City Council’s environmental education centre. PGL Kindilan has a strong relationship with the Indigiscapes Environmental Partnerships Team, and appreciate their support and expertise in this project.

How you can create greener spaces

There are a number of local and state government resources available, including Land for Wildlife and Indigiscapes to assist large landholders with increasing native vegetation on their properties, reducing pests and weeds and providing shelter and food sources for native animals.

Camp operators or large landholders can apply to become part of the Land For Wildlife Program via the following links:



We would encourage any large landholders to join these groups, utilize their expertise and make recommended improvements to their properties to create a more sustainable future. We hope to see you on the journey!