In June this year, students from Camberwell Girls Grammar School came to PGL Campaspe Downs for their adventure camp. In addition to their exciting program of outdoor activities they gave some of their time to help with a local river protection program.
The Little Coliban River runs through the Campaspe Downs adventure camp near Kyneton before joining the main Coliban River a few miles further north. It provides drinking water for over 130,000 people and has spiritual and cultural significance for the Dja Dja Wurrung people.
The river is under threat from climate change, weeds and uncontrolled livestock, which is why landcare groups in the Upper Campaspe catchment are working with local communities and councils to revegetate local rivers as part of a 20-year river protection program.
The Camberwell Girls Grammar students, along with Tylden Landcare group, and members of PGL Campaspe Downs staff got together to plant along the river bank. Stuart Davie, the PGL Campaspe Downs manager, takes up the story.
“At PGL we pride ourselves on being able to support schools in achieving their specific learning outcomes and objectives. In this case we worked with our local landcare group (Tylden Landcare) to set up an environmental session revolving round the replanting of native plants along the Little Coliban river which runs through our property. All the girls were able to get hands-on experience, from pricking out seedlings to planting small plants from forestry tubes. The students enthusiastically joined the program and planted indigenous trees, shrubs and grasses including Eucalypts, Acacias, Cassinia and Lomandra. The girls are very aware that indigenous vegetation provides food and habitats for native animals, prevents soil erosion and keeps the air clean.”
A member of the Camberwell Girls’ Grammar School staff said the students did a great job and went on to say, “we have visited PGL at Campaspe Downs for a school camp and now we feel we have contributed to the ongoing future health of the Little Coliban River”.
PGL is happy to be a part of such an important program, which gives the young people visiting our camp the chance to positively interact with the land and local environment.
Find out more about PGL Campaspe Downs adventure camp.